Buy and sell USDT in Dnipro
The most convenient and safest way to exchange crypto for cash. Specify the amount to be exchanged, reserve funds and come to the partner office in Dnipro
Current exchange rates
How to safely exchange crypto in Dnipro
in 3 steps
Download the GIM app to your phone
Specify the amount and direction of the exchange
Confirm the transaction and come to the nearest office
Download the app and safely exchange crypto for cash
How can I secure my account on your app?
All accounts in the GIM app are protected by a password, which is set by the user when the app is first launched. In addition, in the application settings menu, you can activate two-factor authentication via Google Authenticator
How secure is the process of exchanging my cryptocurrency for fiat at an offline point?
All partner points meet all security standards. And before they get into our database, they undergo a detailed check. So you don’t have to worry
How long does it typically take to complete an exchange at an offline point?
The time spent at an offline location depends on its workload. Usually, the cash exchange operation itself lasts no more than 15 minutes, during which you need to give your personal code for the exchange and wait for the operator to count the required amount.