Buy and sell USDT in Khmelnytskyi
The GIM app allows you to easily convert cryptocurrency to fiat currency. Hold, exchange and use USDT with ease.
Current exchange rates
How to safely exchange crypto in Khmelnytskyi
in 3 steps
Download the GIM app to your phone
Specify the amount and direction of the exchange
Confirm the transaction and come to the nearest office
Download the app and safely exchange crypto for cash
Are there any limits on the amount of cryptocurrency I can buy or sell per day/week/month?
The minimum amount for cash transactions (buying and selling USDT for cash) is $500. The maximum amount that can be exchanged from crypto to cash is $100,000 per transaction, $250,000 per day, and $1,000,000 per month
Are there any fees or commissions involved in using the app and the offline exchange points?
The fee for exchanging cryptocurrency for cash depends on market conditions and may change from time to time. You will be able to see the amount of the fee in each individual case at the stage of application confirmation. There is no monthly or any other fee for using the GIM app. You pay only the commission when you make an exchange
What is the security code used for and how do I get one?
The exchange code is used so that the operator who will perform the transaction at the partner exchange point can identify your payment. The exchange code is the only information that you must provide to the operator. You can find out your code at the time of transaction confirmation (after choosing a location) in the GIM app