Buy and sell USDT in Kremenchuk
You need to exchange crypto for cash in Kremenchuk? Use GIM! Install the application, specify the exchange direction and come to one of the partner centers in Kremenchuk
Current exchange rates
How to safely exchange crypto in Kremenchuk
in 3 steps
Download the GIM app to your phone
Specify the amount and direction of the exchange
Confirm the transaction and come to the nearest office
Download the app and safely exchange crypto for cash
How does the app determine the exchange rate for the crypto to fiat cash conversion?
The amount of cash you will receive depends on the exchange fee that will be relevant at the time of your transaction (it usually ranges from 2% to 4%) and the market rate of the coin you want to exchange for fiat. The current rates can be seen on the main screen of the application. It is worth adding that the USDT-USD rate is almost always 1 to 1
How can I monitor the current market value of my cryptocurrencies on the app?
The market value of the tokens stored in GIM is displayed on the main screen of the application. Along with the price per token and the number of coins you have in your possession
How secure is the process of exchanging my cryptocurrency for fiat at an offline point?
All partner points meet all security standards. And before they get into our database, they undergo a detailed check. So you don’t have to worry