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GIM Crypto Wallet

Buy and sell USDT in Kyiv

If you are interested in exchanging cryptocurrency, you can do so using the GIM app, which is a convenient way to buy and sell USDT, as well as exchange stablecoins for other coins.


Current exchange rates







How to safely exchange crypto in Kyiv
in 3 steps


Download the GIM app to your phone


Specify the amount and direction of the exchange


Confirm the transaction and come to the nearest office

Download the app and safely exchange crypto for cash


How do I get started with buying my first cryptocurrency?

First, you need to download the GIM mobile app and register a new account. Then select the “Cash – USDT” function on the main screen. Indicate the amount you want to convert into the currency and select the nearest branch. After visiting the branch and paying cash to the manager, the funds in USDT will be credited to your wallet within a few minutes. If you want to receive Bintoin or Ethereum, you can convert directly in the application at the exchange rate at the time of exchange

What kind of customer support do you provide if I encounter issues with the offline exchange?

Any questions regarding both partner exchangers and the application’s operation can be sent to us at [email protected] or by using the “Support” button in the main menu of the GIM application

Is your app available worldwide or only in specific regions?

Currently, the GIM app is available only in Ukraine, but we are working to make it available in other regions as soon as possible