Buy and sell USDT in Lutsk
Using the GIM app, you can easily exchange cryptocurrency for cash. Store, buy and exchange USDT with ease.
Current exchange rates
How to safely exchange crypto in Lutsk
in 3 steps
Download the GIM app to your phone
Specify the amount and direction of the exchange
Confirm the transaction and come to the nearest office
Download the app and safely exchange crypto for cash
How long does it usually take to process a cryptocurrency purchase or sale?
If you are converting tokens from one cryptocurrency to another, such transactions are instantaneous. If you are buying or selling USDT for cash, then the duration of the transaction depends on how quickly you can visit the nearest exchange office to complete the transaction.
Do I need to provide any personal information or undergo any verification process to use your app?
No, when you visit partner exchange points, you will only need to bring the exchange confirmation code generated by the application. No additional supporting documents are required
How does the app determine the exchange rate for the crypto to fiat cash conversion?
The amount of cash you will receive in your hands will depend on the market rate and the commission. Both the first and second values are subject to change. Nevertheless, it is worth noting that the exchange for cash is paired with Tether (USDT-USD). If you want to sell BTC or ETH, you first need to convert them to USDT (you can do this in the application itself), and then choose the USDT to dollar exchange.