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GIM Crypto Wallet

Buy and sell USDT in Odessa

If you want to exchange cryptocurrencies, you can use the GIM app, which allows you to buy and sell USDT as well as exchange stablecoins for other coins.


Current exchange rates







How to safely exchange crypto in Odessa
in 3 steps


Download the GIM app to your phone


Specify the amount and direction of the exchange


Confirm the transaction and come to the nearest office

Download the app and safely exchange crypto for cash


What are the steps involved in buying my first crypto using this app?

The first step is to download the application itself through the AppStore or Google Store. The second step is to register an account with the GIM service. In this case, you will need to provide your email and confirm it via a link that will be sent to your email. The third step is the exchange itself, which consists of entering the required amount, selecting the nearest partner office and visiting it to make the exchange operation

What kind of customer support does your app offer in case I face any problems?

If you have any questions, you can always write to us at [email protected], or select the “Support” option in the “Help” section of the GIM menu. Our operators will be happy to resolve your questions as soon as possible

What happens if the price of my cryptocurrency changes significantly after I’ve placed my order?

Your exchange orders are executed in the USDT-USD pair. Since Tether is a stablecoin, you don’t have to worry about exchange rate fluctuations, as they are minimal in this pair. If you are worried about the volatility of other cryptocurrencies, you can exchange them for USDT in the GIM app