Buy and sell USDT in Ternopil
Using the GIM program, you can quickly and easily exchange cash for cryptocurrency in Ternopil. Download GIM to your phone, choose an exchange method and come to one of our partner exchange points.
Current exchange rates
How to safely exchange crypto in Ternopil
in 3 steps
Download the GIM app to your phone
Specify the amount and direction of the exchange
Confirm the transaction and come to the nearest office
Download the app and safely exchange crypto for cash
What cryptocurrencies are available for exchange in your app?
At the moment, you can exchange more than 50 tokens. All exchange operations are performed in pairs with USDT. The exchange rate corresponds to the average market rate of centralized exchanges at the time of the transaction
Can I schedule automatic purchases or sales of cryptocurrency on your app?
No, we do not have buy or sell orders. All transactions are carried out manually at the market rate at the time of exchange
How secure is the process of exchanging my cryptocurrency for fiat at an offline point?
All partner points meet all security standards. And before they get into our database, they undergo a detailed check. So you don’t have to worry