Buy and sell USDT in Zaporizhzhia
The fastest and safest way to convert cryptocurrency to cash. Specify the amount to exchange, freeze the funds, and then go to the partner’s branch in Zaporizhzhia
Current exchange rates
How to safely exchange crypto in Zaporizhzhia
in 3 steps
Download the GIM app to your phone
Specify the amount and direction of the exchange
Confirm the transaction and come to the nearest office
Download the app and safely exchange crypto for cash
Can I use your app to transfer funds to other countries? If so, how?
From your GIM balance, you can transfer funds to any crypto wallet. It does not matter which country the recipient is a resident of. Accordingly, if you are located in one country and the wallet that will accept the tokens belongs to a resident of another country, such funds will be transferred without any obstacles
How do I place an order for fiat cash at an offline point?
After the exchange request is made in the GIM app, it is sent to the operator at the partner outlet. Accordingly, the employee sees the amount for which the application is made and can independently order the required amount of currency to the exchange point. It is also worth noting that the limit for a single transaction is USD 100,000.
How long does it typically take to complete an exchange at an offline point?
The time spent at an offline location depends on its workload. Usually, the cash exchange operation itself lasts no more than 15 minutes, during which you need to give your personal code for the exchange and wait for the operator to count the required amount.